Glyphosate is the active ingredient in many herbicides (weed killers) which has potential health and environmental impacts, including possible carcinogenicity1 (cancer causing) and neurological problems2 (nervous system). This can arise through direct contact, ingestion, or through contamination of soil or water.
In pets it has been linked to respiratory irritation, skin and eye irritation, vomiting (sickness), and lethergy3. We have received reports of dogs falling sick after being walked in areas that had been sprayed.
By killing insects it indirectly harms plants whilst reducing biodiversity and disrupting the ecological balance. Glyphosate is water soluble and has had significant effects on particularly amphibians and aquatic organisms4 that underpin the aquatic food chain.
1 The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as "probably carcinogenic to humans" in 2015.
2 Effects of glyphosate exposure on human health: Insights from epidemiological and in vitro studies: Science of the total environment vol 705 DOI:
3 Glyphosate in Agriculture: Environmental Persistence and Effects on Animals. A Review: Journal of Agriculture and the Environment DOI:
4 Toxicity of glyphosate to animals: A meta-analytical approach: Environmental Pollution Journal vol 347 DOI:

It is disappointing that South Derbyshire District Council have continued to use glyphosate in their annual spraying this year. I worked closely with the environmental department last year to highlight the damage to our pets, wildlife habitats and eco system. It seems to have fallen on deaf ears. We now need to work together to make a stand and say we are not happy for this continue. Please sign the petition below so I can present it to the Council and raise the issue at full council. Thank you
Cllr Jayne Davies
Limit the use of Glyphosate
Glyphosate is being used to control weeds by the Council. Glyphosate has been linked to harm to the nervous system in people and animals and a trigger causing cancer. Glyphosate can kill beneficial insects and soil organisms with amphibians being particularly vulnerable.