Our Campaigns
Find out about the big issues we’re campaigning on locally and nationally

Integrated Care Board should increase funding for Wellbrook GP Surgery in Hilton
The opening of a large care home on the Salt Box Café site will mean a significant increase in demand for GP services, and fewer GP appointments available. This will put extra pressure on the GP (doctors) surgery, which is already struggling to serve all its patients. More funding is required for this surgery so that it can continue to serve all its patients adequately.

Limit the use of Glyphosate
Glyphosate is being used to control weeds by the Council. Glyphosate has been linked to harm to the nervous system in people and animals and a trigger causing cancer. Glyphosate can kill beneficial insects and soil organisms with amphibians being particularly vulnerable. Do you want the Council to stop using Glyphosate on children's play areas, dog walking areas, wildlife corridors, and near water courses?

Fix the potholes
There is a plague of potholes across Derbyshire. They damage vehicles. The government says it has provided money to the council to fix the potholes - but there are still thousands of them. They are costing us in damage to our vehicles, reflected in the two million pounds compensation paid out by Derbyshire County Council already this year.
Grahame Andrew said "Repairing potholes promptly reduces the claims against the Council, repairing them properly saves long term revenue"

More GPs needed in South Derbyshire
Despite land at several locations being set aside in planning agreements for new doctors surgeries, these have not yet been built. Sign our petition to call on Derbyshire, Derby and Burton's integrated care systems (ICS) to build and open new GP (doctors) surgeries and to find GPs to staff them.

More dentists needed in South Derbyshire
In some parts of South Derbyshire patients per dentist has risen to 3,000
We call on the Government to increase the number of NHS dental appointments available. In particular, we call on the Government to increase training places for new dentists, reform NHS dental contracts and make it easier to recruit experienced dentists to fill dental vacancies. We call on the health board to provide NHS dental opportunities for all parts of Derby.

Stop dumping sewage in our rivers
Sewage dumping levels are at their highest level for years
Water firms are failing to disclose how much untreated sewage is being discharged into rivers, lakes and coastlines. Where it is monitored, water companies pumped sewage into our rivers and seas more than 1 million times over the past three years.
Environmental Information Requests by the Liberal Democrats revealed that water firms could be guilty of a scandalous cover up.